Thomas Govan
$290,955Total Contributions
$260,446Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$30,000.00 | Robert Wohleber |
$25,000.00 | Farm PAC - the PAC of the Alabama Farmers Federation |
$24,965.70 | Forestry PAC |
$15,000.00 | Alabama Realtors PAC |
$15,000.00 | Progresspac |
$10,000.00 | Alabama Trucking Association |
$7,745.78 | Thomas R Govan |
$7,500.00 | Canpac |
$6,210.00 | Barrie H Harmon III |
$6,000.00 | Bipac |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$123,915.66 | Convert Digital LLC |
$75,000.00 | American Media & Advocacy Group |
$19,433.65 | Newman and Associates LLC |
$12,841.92 | Ebw Development LLC |
$12,500.00 | Sr Communications LLC |
$4,175.57 | Focus Creative Birmingham |
$3,868.82 | Alabama Republican Executive Committee |
$1,900.00 | Vino |
$1,270.10 | Craftmaster Printers Inc |
$924.60 | Anedot |
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