$44,064,999Total Received
Payee (Click to sort ascending) | Received (Click to sort ascending) |
Morgan Stanley | $42,499.88 |
Copeland Franco | $42,000.00 |
Backstage Productions LLC | $41,720.00 |
Cygnal LLC | $41,500.00 |
D & G Promotions | $41,170.93 |
Sam's Club | $41,164.82 |
Freedom Media Group | $40,605.00 |
Bachus Brom & Taylor LLC | $40,103.50 |
Union Sportsmen's Alliance | $39,750.00 |
Timberline Golf Club | $39,372.34 |
Direct Communications | $39,098.80 |
Adar Partners LLC | $39,000.00 |
Southeast Research Inc | $38,750.00 |
Hilton Hotels | $38,211.28 |
Whnt Tv | $36,882.25 |
Rousseau's LLC | $36,579.27 |
The Capitol Strategy Group LLC | $36,401.84 |
Vistaprint | $35,243.14 |
Pennsylvanians for Civil Justice Fairness | $35,000.00 |
Colony Office Products | $34,862.08 |
Abc Wbma | $34,722.00 |
Iron City Communications | $34,400.36 |
Wiat Tv | $34,212.53 |
River Bank and Trust | $33,460.79 |
Bold Agency LLC | $33,330.00 |