Paschal Roth Public Affairs Inc
$1,956,324Total Received

This organization has been paid by the candidates and committees listed below.

Total Payments
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$244,511.28 Consumer Attorneys of California Initiative Defense PAC
$205,500.00 United Food and Commercial Workers Western States Council Independent Expenditure PAC
$195,083.92 Yes on Proposition 31 Committee to Protect California Kids Sponsored by Nonprofit Health Organizations
$183,952.42 Alliance for a Better California Sponsored by Working Families and Labor Organizations
$125,435.07 Affordable Housing Now - Yes on Props 1&2 Coalition: Housing California California Housing Consortium State Building and Construction Trades Council of California and Silicon Valley Leadership Group
$124,130.81 Committee to Protect California Kids Sponsored by Nonprofit Health Organizations
$122,017.70 Yes on Prop 25 a Coalition of Justice Reform and Labor Organizations
$110,737.02 Nurses Child Care Providers and Doctors Supporting Sabrina Cervantes for Assembly 2018 Sponsored by SEIU California State Council
$108,270.65 No on Prop 22 Sponsored by Labor Organizations
$85,252.16 California Alliance a Coalition of Consumer Attorneys Conservationists and Food and Commercial Workers
$77,153.53 No on Prop 5 Sponsored by Educators Public Safety Health Care and Local Government Organizations
$55,000.00 End Predatory & Unfair Money Bail a Coalition of Justice Reform and Labor Organizations
$46,698.04 California Democratic Party
$40,627.51 Consumer Attorneys of California Issues PAC
$40,000.00 Working Families Issues Committee Sponsored by the California Labor Federation AFL-CIO
$35,421.96 United Food and Commercial Workers Western States Council Independent Expenditure PAC
$33,938.40 Friends of Josh Newman Opposed to the Recall
$30,526.13 United Food and Commercial Workers Western States Council Issues PAC
$30,000.00 Yes on Proposition 1 Supported by Health Care Organizations Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California and Senator Toni Atkins Ballot Measure Committee
$16,915.43 United Food and Commercial Workers Western States Issues PAC
$15,637.80 Committee to Protect Our Communities Sponsored by Labor and Local Government Organizations
$10,129.08 California Federation of Teachers Cope Prop/ballot Committee
$8,080.26 American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO (Mpo)
$7,077.09 California Works: Senator Toni Atkins Ballot Measure Committee
$2,150.00 SEIU California State Council Political Committee