The Trade Desk Inc
$15,860,206Total Received

This organization has been paid by the candidates and committees listed below.

Total Payments
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$3,036,711.47 No on Prop 21: Californians for Responsible Housing a Coalition of Seniors Veterans Affordable Housing Advocates Labor & Social Justice Organizations Sponsored by California Apartment Association
$2,862,743.57 Yes on 27 - Californians for Solutions to Homelessness and Mental Health Support a Coalition of Housing and Mental Health Experts Concerned Taxpayers and Digital Sports (See Attachment)
$2,506,584.00 California Coalition for Fairness Sponsored by Manufacturers
$1,626,571.56 No on Prop 22 Sponsored by Labor Organizations
$1,524,845.62 Yes on Prop 25 a Coalition of Justice Reform and Labor Organizations
$1,249,732.59 Yes on Proposition 31 Committee to Protect California Kids Sponsored by Nonprofit Health Organizations
$902,581.16 National Association of Realtors Fund (Nonprofit 527 Organization)
$898,224.30 Stop the Republican Recall of Governor Newsom
$190,145.00 Gavin Newsom Newsom for California Governor 2022
$161,816.84 Million More Voters Sponsored by the California Labor Federation AFL-CIO
$112,503.68 National Association of Realtors
$102,029.00 John Cox John Cox for Governor 2021 Inc
$77,351.06 California Association of Realtors Issues Mobilization PAC
$72,500.00 Alliance to Support the Middle Class
$47,087.34 Nurses and Educators California Sponsored by SEIU California State Council
$46,810.39 David Campos David Campos for Assembly 2022
$35,490.00 Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California Sponsored by Nonprofit Environmental and Health Organizations
$33,671.00 Anna Caballero Anna Caballero for Senate 2022
$33,663.86 Pace of California School Employees Association
$32,997.00 Steve Padilla Steve Padilla for State Senate 2022
$31,160.00 San Diego County Democratic Party
$28,900.00 Rick Chavez Zbur Rick Chavez Zbur for Assembly 2022
$24,227.20 Tim Grayson Tim Grayson for Senate 2024
$21,675.00 Kevin McCarty Mccarty for Mayor 2024
$21,241.41 California Real Estate Independent Expenditure Committee - California Association of Realtors