Uptown Strategies LLC
$1,003,394Total Received

This organization has been paid by the candidates and committees listed below.

Total Payments
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$365,814.81 California Alliance for Progress and Education an Alliance of Business Organizations
$125,408.33 California Real Estate Independent Expenditure Committee - California Association of Realtors
$91,886.00 Keeping Californians Working a Coalition of Housing Providers Energy and Insurance Agents
$67,887.14 Keeping Californians Working a Coalition of Insurance Agents Technology Energy and Health Care Providers
$55,391.48 California Dental Association Independent Expenditure PAC
$50,362.14 California Labor and Business Alliance (Clab) Sponsored by Correctional Peace Officers Housing Industry Organizations and Energy Providers
$43,419.34 California Medical Association Independent Expenditure Committee
$38,857.14 Jobspac a Bi-Partisan Coalition of California Employers
$31,800.00 Fighting for Our Future
$29,530.00 California Dental Association PAC (Cda PAC)
$22,557.14 Coalition to Restore California's Middle Class Including Energy Companies Who Produce Gas Oil Jobs and Pay Taxes
$18,360.00 Health Care and Housing Providers Supporting Valladares for Assembly 2022
$14,133.33 Californians Allied for Patient Protection Independent Expenditure Account
$14,047.67 Quality Health Care for Californians Sponsored by California Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
$11,570.00 California Labor and Business Alliance (Clab) Sponsored by Building Trades Correctional Peace Officers and Apartment Rental Organizations and Energy Providers
$11,314.28 Building a Healthy Future for CA Facilitated by Agricultural Council of CA
$11,055.00 California Physicians for Quality Care Sponsored by California Medical Association and California Academy of Family Physicians