Students Deserve Better
| $920,000.00 | $920,000.00 |
Progressives Supporting Teachers and Students
| $900,245.00 | $887,785.79 |
Conservation Colorado Victory Fund
| $848,500.00 | $827,377.57 |
Colorado Democratic Party
| $814,578.35 | $541,799.74 |
Freedom to Marry Colorado
| $777,206.67 | $774,896.67 |
Prosperity Through Property Rights
| $759,948.71 | $608,792.51 |
Brighter Colorado Futures 527
| $714,500.00 | $714,221.73 |
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees
| $674,855.00 | $674,855.00 |
Representation Matters Iec
| $671,000.00 | $670,326.85 |
Citizens for Cherry Creek Schools Future
| $668,208.88 | $651,895.74 |
Protecting Colorado's Future
| $665,550.00 | $660,164.80 |
Weld Strong
| $652,000.00 | $561,688.80 |
Voter Rights Colorado
| $640,992.13 | $485,188.26 |
Public Education Committee
| $634,000.00 | $637,691.66 |
Colorado Chamber 527 Political Organization
| $602,925.00 | $587,500.00 |
Springs Opportunity Fund
| $586,702.42 | $586,176.25 |
Alliance for Citizens' Tax Cut
| $578,425.00 | $135,028.74 |
Better Schools for a Stronger Colorado Iec
| $569,746.65 | $482,824.68 |
Invest in Dcsd
| $549,517.95 | $531,701.38 |
Yes on Jj
| $515,000.00 | $506,313.25 |
Voters for the American Center Inc
| $496,420.00 | $496,420.00 |
Aurora Citizens for Excellent Education
| $458,239.00 | $457,925.00 |
Ready Colorado Action Fund
| $441,596.72 | $505,327.74 |
Americans for Prosperity Colorado Issue Committee
| $404,917.25 | $404,917.25 |
Colorado League of Charter Schools Action Independent Expenditure Committee
| $401,828.16 | $406,364.17 |