$1,485,000.00 |
Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, Inc.
$1,230,000.00 |
Voice of Florida Business Political Action Committee
$1,225,000.00 |
Republican Party of Florida
$1,151,000.00 |
Associated Industries of Florida Political Action Committee
$555,000.00 |
Floridian's United for Our Children's Future
$375,000.00 |
Associated Industries for Florida's Prosperity
$375,000.00 |
Associated Industries of Florida for Economic Growth
$375,000.00 |
Associated Industries of Florida for Free Enterprise
$367,750.00 |
Ron DeSantis
Empower Parents PAC
$327,000.00 |
Floridians for a Stronger Democracy
$282,500.00 |
Florida Democratic Party
$248,125.00 |
Florida Chamber of Commerce PAC
$246,250.00 |
West Central Florida Chamber Alliance
$220,000.00 |
East Central Florida Chamber Alliance
$220,000.00 |
Florida Chamber of Commerce Alliance, Inc.
$220,000.00 |
Florida Jobs PAC
$218,200.00 |
Florida Natural Gas Political Action Committee
$215,000.00 |
Florida Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
$145,000.00 |
Treasure Florida
$130,000.00 |
Ashley Moody
Friends of Ashley Moody
$125,000.00 |
Florida Prosperity Fund
$110,000.00 |
Conservatives for a Better Florida
$100,000.00 |
Conservatives For Principled Leadership
$100,000.00 |
Floridians for Economic Freedom
$100,000.00 |
Wilton Simpson
Friends of Wilton Simpson