$27,900.00 |
Panhandle Prosperity
$24,550.00 |
Floridians for Limited Government
$16,965.00 |
Liberty for Florida
$12,700.00 |
Florida Sunshine Alliance
$8,900.00 |
Joe B Harding
Joe Harding
$7,350.00 |
Carolina Amesty
Friends of Carolina Amesty
$6,500.00 |
Jay N Trumbull Jr
Jay N Trumbull Jr
$6,500.00 |
Philip Wayne Griffitts Jr
Griff Griffitts
$6,500.00 |
Thomas P Fabricio
Tom Fabricio
$6,450.00 |
Conservatives for Rural Florida
$6,250.00 |
Thomas P Fabricio
Tom Fabricio
$6,200.00 |
Philip Wayne Griffitts Jr
Griff Griffitts
$6,150.00 |
Stan McClain
Stan McClain
$5,825.00 |
Robert Austin Brackett
Friends of Robert Brackett
$5,736.40 |
Conservative Coalition
$5,425.00 |
Kim J Kendall
Friends of Kim Kendall
$5,350.00 |
Kiyan Michael
Friends of Kiyan Michael
$5,338.60 |
Florida First Forever, Inc.
$5,250.00 |
Stan McClain
Stan McClain
$5,200.00 |
Stan McClain
Stan McClain
$5,000.00 |
Magar Conservatives Fund
$5,000.00 |
Jay N Trumbull Jr
Jay Trumbull
$4,950.00 |
Kiyan Michael
Kiyan Helen Michael
$4,750.00 |
Ryan Chamberlin
Friends of Ryan Chamberlin
$4,250.00 |
Jay N Trumbull Jr
Jay Trumbull