$1,212,247.63 |
Republican Party of Florida
$908,962.13 |
Honest Leadership
$716,002.45 |
Living Life With Purpose
$318,663.91 |
Colleen Burton
Friends of Colleen Burton
$300,540.22 |
Florida Conservative Committee
$283,673.59 |
Conservatives For Principled Leadership
$266,496.95 |
Women Building the Future
$179,339.86 |
Florida Foundation for Liberty
$175,499.21 |
First Coast Conservatives
$164,061.02 |
Conservatives for Rural Florida
$113,912.02 |
Citizens For Building Florida's Future
$93,324.96 |
21st Century Public Servant
$81,548.31 |
Florida House Republican Campaign Committee
$73,338.73 |
Protect Our Florida Values
$72,477.62 |
Clay Conservatives
$61,025.00 |
Conservatives for Clean Water
$54,703.86 |
Florida Shines
$51,969.86 |
Central Florida Solutions PC
$40,885.27 |
Tiffany Esposito
Tiffany for Florida
$39,970.00 |
Thomas J Leek
Friends of Tom Leek
$39,343.00 |
Colleen Burton
Colleen Burton
$38,917.50 |
Paul Renner
Paul Renner
$36,250.00 |
Florida Leadership Committee
$35,390.90 |
Elizabeth Fetterhoff
Elizabeth Fetterhoff
$33,894.00 |
Charles Wesley Clemons Sr
Chuck Clemons