Iowa Democratic Party
Iowa Committee
$1,670,109Total Contributions
$1,467,164Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amount given by these contributors to this committee during the selected election cycle.

Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$5.00 Pamela Asmussen INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Patricia Daugherty INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Paul Postler INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Paul Winer INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Paula Ellsworth INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Peter Loyd INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Phillip Lee INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Randal Alger INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Renee Schultz INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Richard A Burke INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Richard A Treiber INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Robert Gantz INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Ronald Coleman INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Roxanne Miller INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Saif Ratul INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Samuel Ashley INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Sara Armstrong Kutzli INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Sara Perry INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Sarah Sanford INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Sasha G Garver INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Scott A Jeneary INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Shirley Parker INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Steve Kappler INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Steven Regan INDIVIDUAL
$5.00 Sue Weiler INDIVIDUAL