Brandon Johnson
Mayor of Chicago
$1,055,270Cash on Hand
$12,535,660Total Contributions
$11,458,187Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amount given by these contributors to this candidate during the selected election cycle.

Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$2,074,141.62 Chicago Teachers Union Local 1 PAC ENTITY
$1,607,271.77 American Federation of Teachers Cope - Federal ENTITY
$1,537,758.04 SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana PAC ENTITY
$1,000,000.00 Service Employees International Union Federal (SEIU) ENTITY
$602,500.00 Illinois Federation of Teachers Cope ENTITY
$500,000.00 SEIU State Council ENTITY
$500,000.00 SEIU Illinois Council PAC ENTITY
$261,457.41 SEIU Local 73 Bi-Partisan PAC ENTITY
$200,000.00 Carpentry Advancement Political Action ENTITY
$200,000.00 Liuna Chicago Laborers District Council ENTITY
$182,161.94 Aggregated Unitemized Contributions INDIVIDUAL
$157,715.95 United Working Families PAC ENTITY
$150,000.00 The Voice Touring LLC ENTITY
$105,000.00 State Conference of IBEW Illinois PAC ENTITY
$100,000.00 American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (Afscme) Federal ENTITY
$100,000.00 Service Employees Local #1 Pec ENTITY
$100,000.00 Snc Consulting & Management Company ENTITY
$100,000.00 Tlc Consultants Inc ENTITY
$97,707.47 Grassroots Illinois Action Campaign Committee ENTITY
$93,615.96 Personal PAC Inc ENTITY
$75,000.00 Illinois Education Association PAC ENTITY
$74,000.00 Leaders for Tomorrow (L4t) ENTITY
$70,000.00 Working Families Party National PAC Federal ENTITY
$68,500.00 Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC ENTITY
$68,500.00 Intl Union of Operating Eng Local 150 State County & Local Area PAC ENTITY