Kerrie Maloney Laytin

$4,709Cash on Hand
$21,832Total Contributions
$410,170Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions
$10,000.00 John E Maloney INDIVIDUAL
$5,800.00 Michael Eric Dodson INDIVIDUAL
$2,432.12 Aggregated Unitemized Contributions INDIVIDUAL
$1,000.00 Liuna Chicago Laborers District Council ENTITY
$1,000.00 Nicole Mann INDIVIDUAL
$400.00 Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC ENTITY
$250.00 Adam Berman INDIVIDUAL
$250.00 Dan Tiernan INDIVIDUAL
$250.00 Kathryn Alexander INDIVIDUAL
$250.00 Scott Fisher INDIVIDUAL
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Top Payees
Total Expenditures
$190,331.14 Kevron Printing & Mailing Inc ENTITY
$40,000.00 Cook County Democratic Party ENTITY
$30,000.00 Sp Digital & Riveter Digital ENTITY
$28,500.00 Mouthpiece Communications Inc ENTITY
$28,000.00 Mary Kay Dawson Consulting INDIVIDUAL
$7,000.00 11000 Inc ENTITY
$6,985.19 Aggregated Unitemized Expenditures INDIVIDUAL
$6,761.00 Allen Manuel INDIVIDUAL
$6,100.00 Midwest Broadcasting Corporation ENTITY
$5,826.98 Stars & Stripes Silk Screening Inc ENTITY
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Top Loans
$150,000.00Kerrie Maloney LaytinINDIVIDUAL
$130,000.00Kerrie Maloney LaytinINDIVIDUAL
$75,000.00Kerrie Maloney LaytinINDIVIDUAL
$20,000.00Kerrie Maloney LaytinINDIVIDUAL
$10,000.00Kerrie Maloney LaytinINDIVIDUAL
$370.00Kerrie Maloney LaytinINDIVIDUAL
$250.00Greater Palatine Area DemocratsENTITY
$250.00Kerrie Maloney LaytinINDIVIDUAL
$250.00Kerrie Maloney LaytinINDIVIDUAL
$250.00Kerrie Maloney LaytinINDIVIDUAL
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