
$173,315,077Total Contributions
$166,157,640Total Expenditures
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Current State Office
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Justin D Kaechele
Amy Murillo
Amy Crawford
Daniel Butler
Karen K Hoffman
Matthew Heinlen
John Jack Lind
Margaret McBride
Illinois 1st District Appellate Court
NIllinois 1st District Appellate Court$0.00$146.00
Robert W Fejt
Don Gould
Hadiya Afzal
Stephen Morris
Luis Arroyo
Democratic Party
Steve Snarski
Suzanne C Mangiamele
Maureen Bommarito
Troy Hernandez
Patrick Devitt
Susan Sweeney
Tom Hodge
Kelly Pyle
Kevin O'Connell
Mike Fricilone
Maureen Murphy
Andy Rowe