Keli Roark
$8,186Total Contributions
$10,360Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$6,785.14 | Keil L Roark |
$532.09 | Unitemized Contributions |
$480.25 | Dawn Roark |
$194.25 | Eric Kirtcheff |
$194.25 | Kevin R Roark |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$3,012.00 | Jay Preston Rockets Signs |
$2,548.04 | Farley Printing Company |
$1,250.00 | Ryan Burke |
$901.22 | Sexton Group |
$600.00 | Elmer Ramos |
$385.14 | Keil Roark |
$380.73 | Rockets Signs |
$277.87 | Grace by Design |
$165.00 | Floyd County Democratic Party |
$165.00 | Floyd County Democrat Central Committee |
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