$788,165Total Contributions
$577,554Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amount given by these contributors to this committee during the selected election cycle.

Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$10,000.00 American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees Afscme - Federal ENTITY
$10,000.00 Arevia Power LLC ENTITY
$10,000.00 Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers ENTITY
$10,000.00 Athletics Investment Group LLC ENTITY
$10,000.00 Boyd Gaming Corporation ENTITY
$10,000.00 Building a Stronger Nevada - Inactivated ENTITY
$10,000.00 Caesars Enterprise Services LLC ENTITY
$10,000.00 Citizens for Justice ENTITY
$10,000.00 Cox Communications ENTITY
$10,000.00 Fidelity National Financial Inc ENTITY
$10,000.00 Golden Entertainment ENTITY
$10,000.00 Home Building PAC ENTITY
$10,000.00 James E Nave INDIVIDUAL
$10,000.00 Let's Get to Work Nevada ENTITY
$10,000.00 Mgm Grand ENTITY
$10,000.00 Mgm Resorts International ENTITY
$10,000.00 Nevada Gold Mines LLC ENTITY
$10,000.00 Nevada Resort PAC ENTITY
$10,000.00 SEIU Local 1107 ENTITY
$10,000.00 Nevada Subcontractors Association (Nsa PAC) ENTITY
$10,000.00 New Day Nevada PAC ENTITY
$10,000.00 Nvahf PAC ENTITY
$10,000.00 Olympia Companies LLC ENTITY
$10,000.00 Park Mgm ENTITY
$10,000.00 Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 525 PAC ENTITY