
$109,563,474Total Contributions
$99,660,282Total Expenditures
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Shah Nawaz
Michael C Lynch
New York Supreme Court Appellate Division 3rd Department
NNew York Supreme Court Appellate Division 3rd Department$0.00$299.72
Alana Sivin
Democratic Party
Julie Mcdonnell
Richard B Woodland Jr
Paul Catalano
Chris Sperber
Danielle Christine Futia
Frank J Delcampo
Leigh J Benton
John Bishop
Eric Eckley
Francis Freeman
Bob Palumbo
Sandra Lewis
Edward Hyde Clarke
Don Kasprzak
Steve Fiore Rosenfield
John Greaney
Republican Party
Ellen Raffaele
Robert Cornicelli
Omar Herrera
Lyle Frank
New York City Civil Court
New York City Civil Court$0.00$235.45
Ellen Hoil
Kimie Romeo