
$109,563,474Total Contributions
$99,660,282Total Expenditures
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Current State Office
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Giselle L Martinez
Brendan Sweeney
Jack Marren
Jake Samascott
Tom Dimezza
Paul Haney
Karen Christie
Jeanne Walsh
Andrew Marletta
Tom Kenniff
Jennifer Keys
Democratic Party
Rita Paniagua
Lucia Africano
Renee Holmes
Matt Hoose
Andrea Rendo
Karen Lin
New York Supreme Court 11th Judicial District
Democratic Party
DNew York Supreme Court 11th Judicial District$0.00$152.47
Anasha Cummings
Lynne M Buchanan
Barry Cheney
Maureen Allen
Paul Ruszkiewicz
Paulette Waithe
Mark Capodanno
Greg Colavecchia