Empire Dental PAC
New York Committee
$1,021,861Total Contributions
$956,456Total Expenditures
Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$945,619.16 | Unitemized Contribution |
$5,000.00 | NYS Senate Republican Campaign Committee (Nyssrcc) |
$3,000.00 | Gustavo Rivera for State Senate |
$2,950.00 | Friends of David Weprin |
$2,500.00 | Brad Hoylman for Senate |
$2,000.00 | Weprin for Assembly |
$1,000.00 | Andrew S Gounardes |
$1,000.00 | Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou |
$1,000.00 | Fossella for Bp |
$1,000.00 | Frederick Mourad |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$141,131.24 | NYS Democratic Senate Campaign Committee |
$136,000.00 | NYS Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee |
$100,231.11 | Golovina & Associates |
$70,297.43 | Beth Wanek |
$42,360.36 | First National Bank of Omaha |
$39,800.00 | Lasky Government Affairs Inc |
$25,000.00 | New York State Democratic Committee |
$18,169.05 | Dr Joseph Caruso |
$18,000.00 | Kathy C Hochul |
$16,500.00 | NYS Senate Republican Campaign Committee (Nyssrcc) |
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