Libertarian Party of New York - Housekeeping
New York Committee
$36,336Total Contributions
$36,357Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amounts paid to these persons and organizations by this committee.

View By:
Total Expenditures
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(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$10,115.15 Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel ENTITY
$6,790.01 Humanitru ENTITY
$3,587.97 Constant Contact ENTITY
$2,640.62 Btc Ventures ENTITY
$1,481.24 Becker Gallagher Legal Publishing ENTITY
$1,275.00 Cancelled Productions LLC ENTITY
$1,210.03 Dryden Mutual Insurance Company ENTITY
$1,099.80 Zoom Video Communications Inc ENTITY
$1,000.00 Clayton Baker ENTITY
$1,000.00 Rebecca Secreti ENTITY
$1,000.00 Shane Hazel ENTITY
$724.87 Andrew Kolstee ENTITY
$640.06 Grasshopper ENTITY
$595.76 Opavote ENTITY
$535.99 Crown Plaza ENTITY
$522.72 Jeff Allen Design ENTITY
$500.95 United States Postal Service ENTITY
$300.00 Canva ENTITY
$200.07 Contant Contact ENTITY
$189.00 Kinane Co ENTITY
$181.44 Twitter Inc ENTITY
$170.23 Duane Whitmer ENTITY
$164.15 Michael Rebmann ENTITY
$131.40 Name Hero ENTITY
$115.96 Name Cheap Domain Registration ENTITY