$5,443.80 |
Grace Lee
Grace Lee for New York
$5,285.46 |
Charles D Lavine
Lavine for Good Government
$5,202.00 |
Shelley B Mayer
Shelley Mayer for Senate
$5,197.82 |
Timothy M Kennedy
Kennedy for Senate
$5,171.57 |
Yudelka Tapia
Tapia for the Bronx
$4,899.42 |
Samra Brouk
Samra Brouk for State Senate
$4,888.28 |
David L Calone
Calone for Suffolk
$4,877.60 |
Cordell Cleare
Cordell for New York
$4,830.56 |
Democratic Majority Action Committee
$4,794.01 |
Claire Cousin
Claire Cousin for Assembly
$4,574.88 |
James F Gaughran
Gaughran for New York
$4,572.72 |
Michael Gianaris
Friends of Mike Gianaris
$4,541.20 |
Monica R Martinez
Friends of Monica Martinez
$4,492.20 |
Michelle Hinchey
Hinchey for New York
$4,422.54 |
Darcel Denise Clark
Darcel for the Bronx
$4,313.38 |
Shelley B Mayer
Shelley for Senate 37
$4,241.28 |
Monica Wallace
Friends of Monica Wallace
$4,161.60 |
Chris Burdick
Chris Burdick for Assembly
$4,050.00 |
Rachel May
Friends of Rachel May 2024
$4,038.80 |
Jennifer Metzger
Friends of Jen Metzger
$4,030.94 |
Noam Bramson
Bramson for Mayor
$3,901.44 |
Dana Levenberg
Dana for Assembly
$3,887.58 |
West Side Democrats Inc
$3,840.00 |
Laborers Building a Better New York
$3,793.16 |
Mary Jane Shimsky
Shimsky 4 Assembly