Alicia Gee
$1,879Total Contributions
$1,740Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$750.00 | Andrea Dennis |
$250.00 | Ronald Dunn |
$167.50 | Leslie Rich |
$125.00 | Quin-T Democrats |
$100.00 | Barbara Bryant |
$100.00 | Rachel Weatherington |
$50.00 | Calais Cearlock |
$50.00 | Elizabeth Shartsis |
$50.00 | Francesca Fiore |
$50.00 | Leann Voegelpohl |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$955.37 | Ironside Branding Services |
$729.00 | Hustle Inc |
$34.58 | Raise the Money Inc |
$20.00 | Community Savings Bank |
$1.03 | Docusign Inc |
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