$903,517Total Contributions
$842,115Total Expenditures

This page displays the individual contributions made by these contributors to this committee during the selected election cycle.

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$600.00 James Milligan 04/06/2018PharmacistINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Jason Hess 04/06/2018Physicians Ambulance Vice PresidentINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Justin Cira 04/06/2018Mtech Company Regional ManagerINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Justin Vilvens 04/06/2018PilotINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Kaitlyn Smith 04/06/2018Echo Global Logistics SalesINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Kevin Factor 04/06/2018Apple GeniusINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Lisa Abbott 04/06/2018Retired Nurse (Based on Public Record)INDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Matthew Gentile 04/06/2018Beck Aluminum AccountantINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Matthew Hutchinson 04/06/2018Self Independent Music ProfessionalINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Matthew Joyce 04/06/2018Positive Education Program Teacher CounselorINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Megan Weiden 04/06/2018TeacherINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Melissa Bosko 04/06/2018Product Manager Cardinal CommerceINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Michael Bodmann 04/06/2018Clinical Researcher Pra Health SciencesINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Nicholas Valeri 04/06/2018Real EstateINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Paul Mickolick 04/06/2018Flight ParamedicINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Robert Ault 04/06/2018Chiropractor Ault ChiropracticINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Robert Fisher 04/06/2018Crossroads Realty Real Estate AgentINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Rolland Standish 04/06/2018Not EmployedINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Ryan Roche 04/06/2018Financial AdvisorINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Scott Merk 04/06/2018Merks Ticket Agency OwnerINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Stephen Gaon 04/06/2018Ticksmarts Inc CEOINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Timothy Smith 04/06/2018BankerINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 William Sorboro 04/06/2018Business OwnerINDIVIDUAL
$600.00 Zach Lestrange 04/06/2018High Water Staffing RecruiterINDIVIDUAL
$525.00 Michael Gorgacz 04/16/2018Finish First Sports Performance Project EngineerINDIVIDUAL