Maria C Battista

$306,903Total Contributions
$271,226Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amounts paid to these persons and organizations by this candidate’s campaign.

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Total Expenditures
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$135,789.00 Ax Media ENTITY
$31,075.56 Maria C Battista ENTITY
$16,501.84 Desantis Signs & Graphics Inc ENTITY
$15,000.00 Wpa Intelligence ENTITY
$9,998.12 Jennifer Bidoli ENTITY
$9,854.37 Dms Printing and Mailing ENTITY
$7,800.00 Axiom Strategies ENTITY
$7,669.80 Clebak Consulting LLC ENTITY
$4,568.50 Axcapital LLC ENTITY
$3,432.57 ENTITY
$2,997.45 Seven Mountains Media ENTITY
$2,000.00 Amy Petraglia ENTITY
$1,784.40 Capitol Promotions Inc ENTITY
$1,520.67 All American Awards & Engraving ENTITY
$1,509.95 Shutterfly ENTITY
$1,311.00 Clark Vinyl Graphics ENTITY
$1,250.00 Philadelphia Republican City Committee ENTITY
$1,206.20 West Shore Country Club ENTITY
$1,194.27 Todd Krick Graphic Design ENTITY
$1,177.02 Meta Platforms Inc / Facebook Inc ENTITY
$1,037.30 Sheraton Hotel ENTITY
$995.00 Randy Monceaux Commercial Photographer ENTITY
$949.50 The Stoneridge Group LLC ENTITY
$889.57 Park Hills Golf Club ENTITY
$884.62 Pro Printing & Office LLC ENTITY