Anheuser-Busch Companies LLC PAC
Pennsylvania Committee
$876,277Total Contributions
$1,230,617Total Expenditures
This page displays the individual contributions made by these contributors to this committee during the selected election cycle.
View By:
Amount (Click to sort ascending) | Contributor (Click to sort ascending) | Date (Click to sort ascending) |
$52.00 | Russell Fries | 06/04/2018 |
$52.00 | Russell Fries | 10/22/2018 |
$52.00 | Russell Fries | 11/26/2018 |
$52.00 | Russell Fries | 12/31/2018 |
$51.76 | Suzanne Alexander | 12/31/2017 |
$51.66 | Julio Suarez | 06/04/2018 |
$51.66 | Julio Suarez | 10/22/2018 |
$51.66 | Julio Suarez | 11/26/2018 |
$23.46 | US Bank | 06/01/2017 |
$0.73 | US Bank | 05/31/2017 |
$0.16 | Adam D Richert | 09/01/2017 |