$149,826Total Contributions
$162,351Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amount given by these contributors to this committee during the selected election cycle.

Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$200.00 Milton Floyd INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 Pat Jennings INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 Patricia Sosnowski INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 Priscilla Failmezger INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 Raymond Carlton INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 Richard Scurry INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 Susan Woods INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 Suzanne Szescila INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 Valerie Miller INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 William Allen INDIVIDUAL
$200.00 William Chase Properties ENTITY
$180.00 Stuart Kaufman INDIVIDUAL
$177.50 Laura Walker INDIVIDUAL
$150.00 April Hoffman INDIVIDUAL
$150.00 Susan Kemmerlin INDIVIDUAL
$150.00 W Tanner INDIVIDUAL
$125.00 Betty Norman INDIVIDUAL
$125.00 Joyce Holden INDIVIDUAL
$110.00 Charles Collins INDIVIDUAL
$100.00 Alfred Zadig INDIVIDUAL
$100.00 Arthur Bahlav INDIVIDUAL
$100.00 Benjamin Griner INDIVIDUAL
$100.00 Bertrand Bonnimond INDIVIDUAL
$100.00 Bob Whitley INDIVIDUAL
$100.00 Bruce Orr INDIVIDUAL