Democracy Toolbox
$923,042Total Received

This organization has been paid by the candidates and committees listed below.

Total Payments
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$123,080.00 Ken Molberg Molberg, Kenneth H. (The Honorable)
$108,278.24 Tonya Parker Parker, Tonya (The Honorable)
$87,135.00 Kim T Phipps Phipps, Kim T. (Ms.)
$83,650.00 Eric Moye Moye, Eric V. (The Honorable)
$68,910.00 Tina Yoo Clinton Clinton, Tina (The Honorable)
$62,653.38 Robbie Partida-Kipness Partida-Kipness, Robbie S. (The Honorable)
$62,210.00 Erin Nowell Nowell, Erin A. (The Honorable)
$54,529.14 Amanda Reichek Reichek, Amanda (The Honorable)
$43,250.00 Nathan Johnson Johnson, Nathan M. (The Honorable)
$41,000.00 Bonnie Goldstein Goldstein, Bonnie L. (The Honorable)
$39,371.44 Cory Carlyle Carlyle, Cory Lee (The Honorable)
$36,935.00 Monica McCoy Purdy Purdy, Monica McCoy (The Honorable)
$35,379.87 Dennise Garcia Garcia, Dennise (The Honorable)
$22,300.00 Cassandra Garcia Hernandez Hernandez, Cassandra (Mrs.)
$20,300.00 Elizabeth Ginsberg Ginsberg, Elizabeth R. (Mrs.)
$10,200.00 Chika Anyiam Anyiam, Chika A. (The Honorable)
$8,750.00 Rafael Anchia Anchia, Rafael M. (The Honorable)
$6,000.00 Dale Tillery Tillery, Dale B. (The Honorable)
$3,000.00 New American PAC
$2,000.00 Brandon Birmingham Birmingham, Brandon T. (The Honorable)
$1,250.00 GOTV Texas PAC
$1,000.00 Dominique Collins Collins, Dominique L. (The Honorable)
$750.00 Dawn E Freeman Freeman, Dawn E. (Ms.)
$500.00 Nancy Kennedy Kennedy, Nancy E. (The Honorable)
$350.00 Todd Hill Hill, Todd Michael (Mr.)