Dale Whitaker
$90,131Total Contributions
$84,194Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$13,600.00 | Dale Whitaker |
$10,975.67 | Small Contributions |
$6,500.00 | Washington State Republican Party Wsrp |
$3,800.00 | Devin Duro |
$2,500.00 | Marilyn Robertson |
$2,400.00 | Cindy Gilmartin |
$2,400.00 | Peter Gilmartin |
$2,400.00 | Secure WA Now |
$2,400.00 | Susan Fauerbach |
$2,000.00 | David Ballestrasse |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$32,460.00 | Right Strategies |
$7,211.95 | Washington State Republican Party Wsrp |
$7,003.73 | Past Expenses |
$5,000.00 | Am Strategies |
$4,727.63 | Buzz 360 |
$3,941.36 | Id Builders Inc |
$3,750.00 | Chris Miles |
$2,769.67 | Presscats Inc |
$2,232.28 | Pinnacle Printing |
$2,177.56 | Vistaprint |
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