Emily Randall
$1,690,299Total Contributions
$1,681,578Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$207,349.88 | Washington State Democratic Committee - Nonexempt |
$198,641.56 | Washington Senate Democratic Campaign |
$143,600.00 | House Democratic Campaign Committee |
$49,497.13 | Miscellaneous Receipts |
$35,976.35 | 26th District Democrats |
$24,971.13 | Small Contributions |
$6,400.00 | Puget Sound Pilots PAC |
$6,000.00 | Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters |
$4,600.00 | Washington Federation of State Employees Wfse |
$4,200.00 | Puyallup Tribe of Indians |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$437,196.72 | Moxie Media Inc |
$279,950.00 | Ravenna Strategies LLC |
$203,490.73 | Sage Media Planning & Placement |
$192,994.77 | Washington State Democratic Committee - Nonexempt |
$79,273.79 | Capitol City Press Inc |
$50,394.64 | Emily Randall |
$48,715.52 | Washington Senate Democratic Campaign |
$42,505.93 | United States Treasury / Irs |
$40,234.52 | Cameron Kockritz |
$35,580.36 | Alexander Wenman |
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