Barron County Republican Party
Wisconsin Committee
$90,410Total Contributions
$92,894Total Expenditures
This page displays the individual contributions made by these contributors to this committee during the selected election cycle.
View By:
Amount (Click to sort ascending) | Contributor (Click to sort ascending) | Date (Click to sort ascending) |
$10.00 | Mike Severson | 08/31/2020 |
$10.00 | Mindy Hanson | 08/20/2020 |
$10.00 | Nancy Keeler | 09/25/2020 |
$10.00 | Neil Thalacken | 08/31/2020 |
$10.00 | Pat Higgen | 10/21/2020 |
$10.00 | Paul Bugstad | 09/21/2020 |
$10.00 | Randy Wiesner | 08/31/2020 |
$10.00 | Sarah Newland | 09/25/2020 |
$10.00 | Sharon Hilbert | 08/20/2020 |
$10.00 | Stephen Dooli | 10/06/2020 |
$10.00 | Sue Lialik | 08/31/2020 |
$10.00 | Susan Paarni | 09/21/2020 |
$10.00 | Terry Sullivan | 09/25/2020 |
$10.00 | Trevor Korner | 09/25/2020 |
$8.00 | Al Larson | 08/31/2020 |
$5.00 | Austin Brunette | 08/13/2020 |
$5.00 | David Longmire | 09/25/2020 |
$5.00 | Halie Kerschinski | 09/25/2020 |
$5.00 | Kathy Deutsch | 09/21/2020 |
$5.00 | Paul Halvorson | 09/25/2020 |