Chadrick Moore
$2,756Total Contributions
$2,368Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$932.00 | James K Barr |
$910.98 | Jennifer L Lardell |
$388.00 | Chadrick A Moore |
$100.00 | Jane A Benouis |
$100.00 | Mustpa K Benouis |
$95.00 | Debra K Graves |
$70.00 | Kristie Steadman |
$50.00 | Susie N Patterson |
$50.00 | The Pine Park |
$50.00 | Tiffanee Moore |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,381.97 | Alabama Democratic Party |
$220.00 | Screenco Inc |
$194.25 | Dirtcheap Signs |
$174.95 | Goodguysigns-1 (Ebay) |
$125.00 | The Print Shop Inc |
$98.00 | Custom Ink |
$52.00 | Marion Bank & Trust |
$33.68 | Tractor Supply Company |
$33.47 | Vistaprint USA |
$28.50 | Weebly Inc |
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