Deidra Willis
$3,855Total Contributions
$2,234Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$675.00 | Aggregated Unitemized In-Kind Contributions |
$500.00 | Stephanie Brown |
$460.00 | Wyatt Brown |
$300.00 | Ronald Gopher |
$260.00 | Deborah Holt |
$250.00 | Kathy Jones |
$250.00 | Melody Holt |
$200.00 | C Crutcher |
$100.00 | Barron Williams |
$100.00 | Bria B Willis |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$500.00 | Waff Bounce |
$454.14 | Uah Print Shop |
$450.00 | Design Lab |
$300.00 | Madison County Adc |
$290.00 | Allied Digital Printing |
$240.00 | R and R Sports |
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