Denise Mixon
$12,953Total Contributions
$11,336Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$11,571.00 | Gary T Mixon |
$1,381.97 | Denise L Mixon |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$6,288.40 | Snc Signs |
$1,381.97 | Alabama Republican Executive Committee |
$793.51 | Tractor Supply Company |
$507.20 | Journal Record |
$412.02 | Mcdonald Signs |
$300.00 | Wmty |
$288.85 | Sassy Frass Tees |
$250.00 | Radio Station |
$231.00 | Denise L Mixon |
$200.00 | Super 8 Tv |
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