Patrick Mcguire
This page displays the cumulative amount given by this contributor to these individuals or organizations.
Total Contributions (Click to sort ascending) | Candidate (Click to sort ascending) | Committee (Click to sort ascending) |
$4,082.12 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | |
$533.33 | Karen Gresham | Karen Gresham for Arizona |
$533.33 | Kelli Butler | Kelli Butler for Arizona |
$250.00 | Brandy Reese | Brandy for AZ |
$250.00 | Judy Schwiebert | Judy for AZ |
$250.00 | Kevin Chiquete | Kevin Chiquete for State Representative - District 7 |
$250.00 | Nancy Hartl | Hartl4az |
$250.00 | Nicholas Gonzales | Gonzales for AZ |
$250.00 | Sharon Lee Winters | Sharon for Senate |
$33.34 | Christine Marsh | Chris4arizona |