Elaine Downing
This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.
Amount (Click to sort ascending) | Candidate or Committee (Click to sort ascending) | City (Click to sort ascending) | Date (Click to sort ascending) | Category (Click to sort ascending) | Type (Click to sort ascending) |
$1,447.60 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 09/27/2024 | Lodging | PAC |
$723.56 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 08/14/2023 | Maintenance/repair | PAC |
$486.40 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 06/21/2023 | Entertainment | PAC |
$467.74 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 04/26/2024 | Signs | PAC |
$424.31 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 06/21/2023 | Maintenance/repair | PAC |
$424.16 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 04/21/2023 | Maintenance/repair | PAC |
$400.00 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 05/17/2023 | Mileage | PAC |
$369.23 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 12/19/2024 | Meals | PAC |
$350.00 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 12/04/2024 | Mileage | PAC |
$322.68 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 10/06/2023 | Maintenance/repair | PAC |
$257.42 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 10/15/2024 | Food/refreshments | PAC |
$256.14 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 03/13/2023 | Maintenance/repair | PAC |
$179.76 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 10/21/2024 | Postage | PAC |
$79.84 | Mohave County Democratic Central Committee | Lake Havasu City | 03/13/2023 | Prizes | PAC |