Committee to Expand the Middle Class Issues Committee Sponsored by Airbnb Inc
California Committee
$581,446Cash on Hand
$1,106,527Total Contributions
$562,500Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amounts paid to these persons and organizations by this committee.

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Total Expenditures
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$250,000.00 Revitalize San Francisco ENTITY
$250,000.00 Revitalize Sf Yes on M ENTITY
$20,000.00 Affordable Housing for San Francisco ENTITY
$20,000.00 Yes on C for More Housing & Revitalized Downtown ENTITY
$10,000.00 Opportunity Beach Fund - Rex Richardson Ballot Measure Committee ENTITY
$10,000.00 Share Dana Point PAC ENTITY
$2,500.00 California Asian Chamber of Commerce Issues PAC ENTITY