Gil Cedillo Campaign
$124,850Total Received
Also Known As

This page displays other names, spellings, or aliases we have grouped together for this payee.

Total Paid
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$32,250.00 Cedillo for City Council General 2017
$30,000.00 Coalition to Support G Cedillo for La City Council 2017
$25,000.00 Coaltiion to Support Gil Cedillo for La City Council 2017
$16,100.00 Councilmember Cedillo Officeholder Account 2013
$10,400.00 Cedillo for City Council 2017
$4,000.00 Councilmember Cedillo Officeholder Account
$2,100.00 Gil Cedillo for City Council General 2017
$1,400.00 Gil Cedillo for City Council 2017
$1,200.00 Gil Gil Cedillo for City Council
$800.00 Cedillo Officeholder Account
$800.00 Councilmember Cedillo Officeholder Account 1360884
$800.00 Councilmember Cedillo Officeholder Account 2017