Jbieber Direct LLC
$373,478Total Received

This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.

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Candidate or Committee
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$27,568.00 Taxpayers for Ethical Government Lake Forest10/14/2024campaign literature and mailingsRCP
$23,642.00 The Lincoln Club of Orange County State PAC Lake Forest10/09/2024campaign literature and mailingsRCP
$23,471.00 Taxpayers for Ethical Government Lake Forest10/22/2024campaign literature and mailingsRCP
$23,471.00 Taxpayers for Ethical Government Lake Forest10/24/2024campaign literature and mailingsRCP
$23,392.80 Taxpayers for Ethical Government Lake Forest10/29/2024campaign literature and mailingsRCP
$19,985.36 Alliance for Jobs and the Economy Lake Forest10/31/2024Independent ExpenditureRCP
$19,985.36 Alliance for Jobs and the Economy Lake Forest11/02/2024Independent ExpenditureRCP
$16,859.00 Taxpayers for Ethical Government Lake Forest10/18/2024campaign literature and mailingsRCP
$9,962.75 The Lincoln Club of Orange County State PAC Lake Forest10/11/2024campaign literature and mailingsRCP
$8,055.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$8,055.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$7,320.62 Taxpayers for Ethical Government Lake Forest10/26/2024campaign literature and mailingsRCP
$6,838.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$6,596.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$6,596.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$5,641.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$5,599.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$5,597.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$5,017.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$5,012.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$5,002.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$4,994.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$4,948.20 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$4,854.00 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP
$4,822.50 Republican Party of Orange County (State acct) Lake Forest11/21/2024member communicationsRCP