Kntv - Tv
$5,718,674Total Received

This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.

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Candidate or Committee
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$483,863.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose10/22/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$483,863.00 Stop the Revenge Initiative - No on 34 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose10/22/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$335,631.00 Yes on 35 - Protect Our Healthcare a Coalition of First Responders Healthcare Workers Doctors Non-Profit Community Health Centers and Hospitals San Jose10/16/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$219,050.00 Uc Berkeley Cooks Custodians and Nursing Assistants for Kathryn Lybarger for State Senate 2024 San Jose02/17/2024Independent ExpenditureRCP
$199,773.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose09/10/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$199,753.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose09/24/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$199,753.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose09/24/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$199,753.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose09/24/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$199,753.00 Stop the Revenge Initiative - No on 34 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose09/24/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$199,750.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose10/22/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$199,750.00 Stop the Revenge Initiative - No on 34 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose10/08/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$172,248.25 Yes on 34 Protect Patients Now: a Coalition of Nurses Women Firefighters Veterans Lgbtq+ Advocates and Patient Groups Sponsored by California Apartment Association Boston10/09/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$171,325.00 Coalition to Restore California's Middle Class Including Energy Manufacturing and Technology Companies Who Produce Gas Oil Jobs and Pay Taxes San Jose02/12/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsRCP
$142,863.75 No on 33 Californians for Responsible Housing: a Bi-Partisan Coalition of Affordable Housing Advocates Taxpayers Veterans and Small Businesses Sponsored by California Apartment Association Dorchester10/02/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$128,838.75 Yes on 34 Protect Patients Now: a Coalition of Nurses Women Firefighters Veterans Lgbtq+ Advocates and Patient Groups Sponsored by California Apartment Association Boston10/23/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$124,852.25 No on 33 Californians for Responsible Housing: a Bi-Partisan Coalition of Affordable Housing Advocates Taxpayers Veterans and Small Businesses Sponsored by California Apartment Association Dorchester09/11/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$117,954.50 No on 33 Californians for Responsible Housing: a Bi-Partisan Coalition of Affordable Housing Advocates Taxpayers Veterans and Small Businesses Sponsored by California Apartment Association Dorchester08/26/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$114,482.25 No on 33 Californians for Responsible Housing: a Bi-Partisan Coalition of Affordable Housing Advocates Taxpayers Veterans and Small Businesses Sponsored by California Apartment Association Dorchester09/05/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$104,762.50 Committee to Protect Public Safety Sponsored by Action for Safety and Justice No on Prop 36 San Jose10/25/2024UnknownBMC
$103,168.75 No on 33 Californians for Responsible Housing: a Bi-Partisan Coalition of Affordable Housing Advocates Taxpayers Veterans and Small Businesses Sponsored by California Apartment Association Dorchester09/18/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$99,878.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation San Jose09/03/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$96,173.25 Yes on 34 Protect Patients Now: a Coalition of Nurses Women Firefighters Veterans Lgbtq+ Advocates and Patient Groups Sponsored by California Apartment Association Boston08/26/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$91,965.75 Yes on Prop 4 Californians for Safe Drinking Water and Wildfire Prevention Sponsored by Environmental Organizations San Francisco10/08/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$88,718.75 Governor Newsom's Ballot Measure Committee San Jose02/01/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsRCP
$85,170.00 Governor Newsom's Ballot Measure Committee San Jose02/12/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsRCP