Spectrum Campaigns LLC
$5,932,315Total Received

This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.

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Candidate or Committee
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$1,371,687.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation Los Angeles09/30/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$573,835.00 Yes on Prop 2 Sponsored by Nonprofit Education Labor and Business Associations Los Angeles10/18/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$541,167.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation Los Angeles09/03/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$420,000.00 Coalition to Restore California's Middle Class Including Energy Manufacturing and Technology Companies Who Produce Gas Oil Jobs and Pay Taxes El Segundo10/04/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsRCP
$412,000.00 Coalition to Restore California's Middle Class Including Energy Manufacturing and Technology Companies Who Produce Gas Oil Jobs and Pay Taxes El Segundo10/04/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsRCP
$390,454.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation Los Angeles10/28/2024information technology costs (Internet, e-mail)BMC
$200,000.00 American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Local 3299 Independent Expenditure Committee El Segundo02/17/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsCTL
$199,910.00 American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Local 3299 Independent Expenditure Committee El Segundo10/19/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsCTL
$150,000.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation Los Angeles10/14/2024information technology costs (Internet, e-mail)BMC
$148,656.50 Yes on Prop 2 Sponsored by Nonprofit Education Labor and Business Associations Los Angeles10/24/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$116,540.50 Yes on 5 Californians for Safe Affordable Communities Sponsored by Affordable Housing Advocates Firefighters Businesses and Workers Sacramento11/08/2024postage, delivery and messenger servicesBMC
$100,000.00 Yes on 5 Californians for Safe Affordable Communities Sponsored by Affordable Housing Advocates Firefighters Businesses and Workers Sacramento10/03/2024print adsBMC
$99,990.00 Coalition to Restore California's Middle Class Including Energy Manufacturing and Technology Companies Who Produce Gas Oil Jobs and Pay Taxes Bakersfield02/01/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsRCP
$92,447.01 Yes on 5 Californians for Safe Affordable Communities Sponsored by Affordable Housing Advocates Firefighters Businesses and Workers Sacramento11/08/2024campaign literature and mailingsBMC
$90,000.00 Yes on 5 Californians for Safe Affordable Communities Sponsored by Affordable Housing Advocates Firefighters Businesses and Workers Sacramento09/19/2024campaign consultantsBMC
$84,250.00 Yes on 5 Californians for Safe Affordable Communities Sponsored by Affordable Housing Advocates Firefighters Businesses and Workers Sacramento09/19/2024polling and survey researchBMC
$82,712.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation Los Angeles08/19/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$81,098.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation Bakersfield09/30/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$72,600.00 Yes on 5 Californians for Safe Affordable Communities Sponsored by Affordable Housing Advocates Firefighters Businesses and Workers Sacramento10/17/2024UnknownBMC
$69,359.21 Yes on 30: Clean Air California a Coalition of Calfire Firefighters Working Families Rideshare Companies and Environmental Groups Sacramento01/30/2023UnknownBMC
$66,243.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation Los Angeles10/02/2024information technology costs (Internet, e-mail)BMC
$60,320.25 Coalition to Restore California's Middle Class Including Energy Manufacturing and Technology Companies Who Produce Gas Oil Jobs and Pay Taxes Bakersfield02/13/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsRCP
$59,785.00 Renters and Homeowners for Rent Control Yes on 33 Sponsored by Aids Healthcare Foundation Los Angeles08/19/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsBMC
$51,858.82 Yes on 5 Californians for Safe Affordable Communities Sponsored by Affordable Housing Advocates Firefighters Businesses and Workers Sacramento11/08/2024postage, delivery and messenger servicesBMC
$46,044.00 Suzette Martinez Valladares Los Angeles09/05/2024T.V. or cable airtime and production costsCAO