Cynthia A Martinez
$2,765Total Contributions
$2,765Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,000.00 | Cynthia A Martinez |
$400.00 | Frank Graziano |
$400.00 | Robert Turner |
$400.00 | Susan Graziano |
$200.00 | Sonya Jaquez Lewis |
$100.00 | Adrienne Benevidez |
$100.00 | Marilyn Hughes |
$50.00 | Richard Juday |
$50.00 | Stephen Bolling |
$25.00 | Consuelo Maasch |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,366.72 | Donahue Public Affairs |
$545.88 | Pat K Lombardi |
$395.50 | Gamino Printing Company |
$250.00 | Colorado Democratic Party |
$75.00 | Cmart Visuals |
$50.00 | Colorado Secretary of State |
$48.00 | Actblue Technical Services |
$33.90 | First Bank |
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