David Lawful
$2,383Total Contributions
$2,466Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,667.47 | David Lawful |
$200.00 | Marissa Harmon |
$100.00 | James Gunning |
$100.00 | Susan Squyer |
$100.00 | Susie Wargin |
$50.00 | Kay Geitner |
$50.00 | Mike Anderson |
$50.00 | Wynne Shaw |
$40.10 | Sue Rosser |
$25.00 | Steve Lowry |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,668.00 | Egan Printing Company |
$550.00 | Melissa Kostic -- Browndog Design |
$123.05 | David Lawful |
$95.25 | Signal Graphics No 29 |
$23.98 | godaddycom LLC |
$5.24 | King Soopers Inc |
Top Loans
Amount | Lender |
$900.00 | David Lawful |
$900.00 | David Lawful |
$123.05 | David Lawful |
-$900.00 | David Lawful |
-$900.00 | David Lawful |
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