Dot Gardunio
$2,923Total Contributions
$2,923Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$2,234.48 | Dotty "dot" Gardunio |
$250.00 | Rockne Bosco |
$100.00 | Edward Norden |
$91.60 | Allen R Bernhardt |
$60.00 | Paul Taylor |
$50.00 | Chris Coleman |
$50.00 | Dotty J Gardunio |
$31.96 | Candice Holmes |
$31.96 | Kevin Klein |
$22.74 | Debbie Oliver |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$675.36 | Dirt Cheap Signs |
$292.48 | Signs on the Cheap |
$269.91 | Oriental Trading Company |
$245.46 | Vistaprint USA Inc |
$184.53 | Affordable Buttons |
$180.00 | United States Postal Service Usps |
$177.78 | Bubba's Sporting Goods |
$170.02 | Walpac- Walmart Inc PAC |
$150.00 | Fremont County Republican Central Committee |
$120.00 | Prairie Mountain Media LLC |
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