Nathan Montgomery
$1,303Total Contributions
$2,101Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$400.00 | Christopher M Caro |
$400.00 | Nathan A Montgomery |
$200.00 | Anita G Montgomery |
$200.00 | Edgar A Montgomery |
$77.77 | Chris Parker |
$25.00 | Stuart Sanks |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$495.50 | godaddycom LLC |
$400.00 | Nathan Montgomery for House District 31 |
$324.90 | Christopher M Caro |
$250.00 | Colorado Democratic Party |
$172.11 | Oriental Trading Company |
$100.56 | C & D Printing Inc |
$81.13 | Dirt Cheap Signs |
$77.77 | Chris Parker |
$62.95 | Vistaprint USA Inc |
$50.00 | Canon City Music and Blossom Festival |
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