Black Hills Corporation PAC
Colorado Committee
$8,181Total Contributions
$26,875Total Expenditures

This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations by this committee.

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$3,350.00 Colorado Democratic Party 01/03/2023ContributionsENTITY
$3,350.00 Colorado Democratic Party 06/30/2023ContributionsENTITY
$1,000.00 Colorado Democratic Party 01/04/2024OtherENTITY
$1,000.00 Colorado Democratic Party 01/04/2024OtherENTITY
$1,000.00 New Day Colorado Fund 12/13/2023OtherENTITY
$1,000.00 Restore Colorado Leadership Fund 01/03/2023ContributionsENTITY
$1,000.00 Senate Majority Fund 01/03/2023ContributionsENTITY
$1,000.00 Senate Majority Fund 12/13/2023OtherENTITY
$775.00 Colorado Chamber 527 Political Organization 05/30/2024ContributionsENTITY
$725.00 Bird for Colorado Leadership Fund 11/02/2023OtherENTITY
$725.00 Coloradans for Western Values Leadership PAC 11/02/2023OtherENTITY
$725.00 Colorado Chamber PAC 05/30/2024ContributionsENTITY
$725.00 Hansen Leadership Fund 11/02/2023OtherENTITY
$725.00 Mccluskie for Colorado Leadership Fund 11/02/2023OtherENTITY
$725.00 Monica PAC 11/02/2023OtherENTITY
$725.00 Putting Colorado First 11/02/2023OtherENTITY
$725.00 Rose PAC 08/09/2024OtherENTITY
$725.00 Zenpac 11/02/2023OtherENTITY
$700.00 Lundeen Leadership Fund 10/08/2024OtherENTITY
$500.00 Take Colo Back Political Comm 08/09/2024ContributionsENTITY
$500.00 The Coleman Leadership Fund 08/09/2024OtherENTITY
$450.00 Barbara Kirkmeyer 06/20/2024OtherENTITY
$450.00 Chris Hansen 06/20/2024OtherENTITY
$450.00 Cleave Simpson 06/20/2024OtherENTITY
$450.00 Julie Lynn Mccluskie 06/20/2024OtherENTITY