Eye Contact Media LLC
$847,660Total Received

This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.

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Candidate or Committee
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$38,500.00 Meghan Lukens 10/14/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$35,000.00 Yes for Adams 12 Kids 10/17/2024AdvertisingIssue
$26,500.00 Mary Young 10/14/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$22,000.00 Marc Snyder 10/25/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$20,700.00 Meghan Lukens 09/25/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$18,000.00 Mary Young 10/28/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$17,419.35 Colorado Labor Action 06/06/2024Consultant & Professional ServicesIndependent Expenditure
$17,400.00 Robert C Marshall 10/12/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$17,000.00 Gretchen Jeannette Rydin 10/14/2024Fundraising ExpensesCandidate
$16,250.00 Erin Kenworthy 11/03/2023AdvertisingCandidate
$16,250.00 Michelle Applegate 11/07/2023AdvertisingCandidate
$16,200.00 Colorado Labor Action 06/18/2024Consultant & Professional ServicesIndependent Expenditure
$15,800.00 Julie Lynn Mccluskie 10/25/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$15,483.87 Colorado Labor Action 06/06/2024Consultant & Professional ServicesIndependent Expenditure
$15,225.81 Colorado Labor Action 06/06/2024Consultant & Professional ServicesIndependent Expenditure
$15,000.00 Stephanie J Vigil 10/10/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$15,000.00 Stephanie J Vigil 11/01/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$14,700.00 Colorado Labor Action 06/18/2024Consultant & Professional ServicesIndependent Expenditure
$14,500.00 Colorado Labor Action 06/18/2024Consultant & Professional ServicesIndependent Expenditure
$14,100.00 Robert C Marshall 09/23/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$13,500.00 Marc Snyder 10/16/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$13,000.00 Rhonda Solis 10/16/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$12,050.00 Tammy Story 10/15/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$12,000.00 Mary Young 10/18/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$11,500.00 Marc Snyder 09/27/2024AdvertisingCandidate