godaddycom LLC
$33,151Total Received

This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.

(Click to sort ascending)
Candidate or Committee
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$1,665.00 John Mikos 12/15/2024OtherCandidate
$1,482.00 Jared Polis 04/17/2023OtherCandidate
$1,259.16 Eagle County Republicans 09/27/2024Consultant & Professional ServicesParty
$827.64 Adams County Democratic Party 04/01/2024Office Equipment & SuppliesParty
$618.30 David Stiver 08/01/2024Consultant & Professional ServicesCandidate
$549.60 Ron Weinberg 10/22/2024OtherCandidate
$539.64 La Plata County Republican Central Committee "Lpcrcc" 02/26/2024MiscellaneousParty
$538.84 Abe Laydon 05/20/2024OtherCandidate
$474.84 Abe Laydon 05/22/2023OtherCandidate
$436.97 Kevin Van Winkle 07/28/2023Consultant & Professional ServicesCandidate
$428.76 Kurt Huffman 10/15/2024Consultant & Professional ServicesCandidate
$366.77 Routt County Republican Central Committee 07/25/2023OtherParty
$359.88 Ron Weinberg 06/13/2024OtherCandidate
$359.76 La Plata County Republican Central Committee "Lpcrcc" 03/11/2024MiscellaneousParty
$313.26 Tracey Bernett 01/30/2023Office Equipment & SuppliesCandidate
$300.00 Carrie Olson 07/10/2023OtherCandidate
$275.88 Mark Baisley 09/30/2024AdvertisingCandidate
$275.88 Tisha Mauro 03/22/2024OtherCandidate
$263.88 Cori Dobson 04/23/2023OtherCandidate
$263.88 Democratic Party Congressional District 4 Colorado 09/03/2024AdvertisingParty
$263.88 Mark Baisley 09/14/2023OtherCandidate
$263.88 Tisha Mauro 03/22/2023MiscellaneousCandidate
$257.28 Jared Polis 06/20/2023OtherCandidate
$250.31 Larimer County Republican Party "Lcrp" 04/15/2024TelephoneParty
$249.12 Larimer County Republican Party "Lcrp" 03/13/2023MiscellaneousParty