Strong Leadership
Florida Committee
$186,000Total Contributions
$382,247Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amounts paid to these persons and organizations by this committee.

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Total Expenditures
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$219,000.00 Christian Financial Resources ENTITY
$19,000.00 Ascension St Vincent's Foundation ENTITY
$13,500.00 Citizens Alliance for Florida's Economy ENTITY
$10,000.00 Conservatives for Term Limits ENTITY
$10,000.00 Republican Party of Florida ENTITY
$10,000.00 Wilton Simpson ENTITY
$7,500.00 Republic Polling Inc ENTITY
$6,800.00 Electioneering Consulting Inc ENTITY
$5,000.00 Building a Better Economy PC ENTITY
$5,000.00 Clay County Economic Development Corporation ENTITY
$5,000.00 First Coast Conservatives ENTITY
$5,000.00 Florida Conservative Alliance ENTITY
$5,000.00 Floridians for Economic Freedom ENTITY
$5,000.00 Let's Grow Florida! ENTITY
$4,500.00 JJ Luckey and Company ENTITY
$3,000.00 Committee for Professional Law Enforcement ENTITY
$3,000.00 Ron DeSantis ENTITY
$3,000.00 The Everglades Foundation ENTITY
$2,500.00 A Safer Jacksonville For All ENTITY
$2,500.00 Operation New Hope ENTITY
$2,500.00 Rob Bradley INDIVIDUAL
$2,244.79 Skylife Elite ENTITY
$2,244.35 Internal Revenue Service ENTITY
$1,375.00 National Conference of State Legislatures ENTITY
$1,000.00 Alexandra Compere Campaign (Clay County Comm D2) ENTITY