Alta Inc
$74,950Total Received
This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.
Amount (Click to sort ascending) | Candidate or Committee (Click to sort ascending) | City (Click to sort ascending) | Date (Click to sort ascending) | Category (Click to sort ascending) | Type (Click to sort ascending) |
$10,930.34 | Florida Democratic Party | Lowell | 11/04/2024 | Monetary | PTY |
$10,905.48 | North Central Florida for Law and Order | Gainesville | 11/25/2024 | Electioneering communication regarding a candidate | PAC |
$9,689.90 | North Central Florida for Law and Order | Gainesville | 11/22/2024 | Electioneering communication regarding a candidate | PAC |
$6,288.30 | Charlie Crist | Gainesville | 01/17/2023 | Monetary | PAC |
$5,301.48 | Alachua County's Future | Gainesville | 10/28/2024 | Monetary | PAC |
$5,106.25 | Sylvain Dore | Gainesville | 10/09/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$4,013.63 | Florida Democratic Party | Lowell | 11/04/2024 | Monetary | PTY |
$2,568.91 | David Arreola | Gainesville | 07/20/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$1,874.09 | Yvens Anthony Pierre-Antoine | Gainesville | 05/06/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$1,858.45 | David Arreola | Gainesville | 08/13/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$1,787.46 | David Arreola | Gainesville | 07/16/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$1,727.70 | Faudlin Pierre | Gainesville | 07/12/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$1,704.09 | David Arreola | Gainesville | 10/25/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$1,548.65 | David Arreola | Gainesville | 10/25/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$1,122.38 | David Arreola | Gainesville | 01/02/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$1,090.89 | Donna Deegan | Gainesville | 04/03/2024 | Monetary | PAC |
$769.24 | Yvens Anthony Pierre-Antoine | Gainesville | 03/13/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$728.42 | Sylvain Dore | Gainesville | 05/13/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$699.50 | David Arreola | Gainesville | 04/02/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$699.50 | David Arreola | Gainesville | 06/11/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$659.76 | Sylvain Dore | Gainesville | 04/26/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$545.13 | David Arreola | Gainesville | 10/02/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$437.31 | Amy Jane Trask | Gainesville | 12/08/2023 | Monetary | CAN |
$437.31 | Yvens Anthony Pierre-Antoine | Gainesville | 02/14/2024 | Monetary | CAN |
$387.32 | Yvens Anthony Pierre-Antoine | Gainesville | 05/06/2024 | Monetary | CAN |