Shea Roberts
Georgia House of Representatives District 52
$191,022Total Contributions
$202,362Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions
$6,000.00 Brian Daughdrill INDIVIDUAL
$6,000.00 Realtors PAC ENTITY
$5,908.20 Krevolin Horst LLC ENTITY
$5,800.00 Civil Justice PAC Inc ENTITY
$3,250.00 Jeanney Miller Kutner INDIVIDUAL
$3,200.00 David Couchman INDIVIDUAL
$3,000.00 Fair Fight ENTITY
$3,000.00 Giacoma Roberts & Daughdrill LLC ENTITY
$3,000.00 Karla Jurvetson INDIVIDUAL
$3,000.00 Melanie Couchman INDIVIDUAL
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Top Payees
Total Expenditures
$60,300.00 Democratic Party of Georgia ENTITY
$45,050.00 Battleaxe Digital LLC ENTITY
$15,511.74 Sadie McIntyre INDIVIDUAL
$13,839.00 Rafshoon Strategies ENTITY
$8,000.89 Change Research LLC ENTITY
$6,750.00 Jessie Dietz INDIVIDUAL
$6,510.00 Ngp Van Inc ENTITY
$5,908.20 Krevlin Horst LLC ENTITY
$5,000.00 Brooke Condrey INDIVIDUAL
$4,611.17 Clash Graphics LLC ENTITY
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