$49,632,606Total Contributions
$47,845,539Total Expenditures
Check out the race-by-race comparisons for more details.
View Races
Candidate (Click to sort ascending) | Total Contributions (Click to sort ascending) |
Fani Willis
| $2,086,850.93 |
Andrew Pinson
| $1,261,184.82 |
John Barrow
| $1,002,452.90 |
Jon Burns
Republican Party
| $995,452.62 |
Chris Carr
Republican Party
| $776,716.42 |
Ashwin Ramaswami
Democratic Party
| $731,174.24 |
Susie Greenberg
Democratic Party
| $636,711.64 |
Charles P Efstration
Republican Party
| $510,435.10 |
Houston Gaines
Republican Party
| $495,994.00 |
Stacey Abrams
| $492,542.26 |
Kalki Yalamanchili
| $468,983.16 |
John F Kennedy
Republican Party
| $462,787.25 |
Burt Jones
Republican Party
| $434,128.86 |
Scott Hilton
Republican Party
| $431,223.94 |
John King
Republican Party
| $405,895.49 |
Matt Reeves
Republican Party
| $405,657.00 |
Elena Parent
Democratic Party
| $403,194.00 |
Steban S Sainz
Republican Party
| $399,644.40 |
Jan Jones
Republican Party
| $386,300.00 |
Greg Dolezal
Republican Party
| $385,735.00 |
Brandon Beach
Republican Party
| $371,670.36 |
Matt Brass
Republican Party
| $371,497.34 |
Richard H Smith
Republican Party
| $367,499.11 |
Blake Tillery
Republican Party
| $359,679.04 |
Deborah Silcox
Republican Party
| $358,067.44 |